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  A Community Association based in Portadown  

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Edenderry Primary School Files

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Edenderry Primary School
Edenderry Primary School

Photo of Evan Johnston past Head Master of Edenderry School.

Photo courtesy Mrs D Mullen.

Edenderry Primary School
Edenderry Primary School

This is photo of Mr Alfred Lyness past Head Master of Edenderry Primary School. Story to follow.

Photo courtesy Mr R Brady

Edenderry Primary School early 50's
Edenderry Primary School early 50's

Mrs Johnston the Headmaster's wife far right.

Edenderry Primary School 1953/54 ?
Back Row, Left to Right.
Teacher ---- Alan Summerville, Garfield Hall, Henry Capper, Kenneth Liggett, Roger Mawhinney, Kenneth Lindsay, Michael Mitchell,
John Magee, Brian Carvell, Marcel Hubeaux, Morris Cust, Mrs Johnston.
3rd Row, James Clarke, Carolyn Hanna, Elizabeth Patton, Tilly McClatchey, Rhoda Matchett, Gill Haggan, Mabs Mayne,
Barbara McDowell, Betty Hurst, Margaret Hyde, Audrey Hampton, Jean McAlister, Aileen Ryan, Malcolm Riley.
2nd Row. Anne McNally, Dorothy Nelson, Jean ---- Kathleen Martin, Agnes McVeigh, Sandra Harris, Eleanor Jones, Gwyneth Lyttle,
Jean Jackson, Eleanor McKeown, Maureen Brown.
1st Row. Arthur Swann, Brian Milligan, Denis Hewitt, Karl Brownlee, David McFadden, Jackie Coulter, Albert Boyle,
Michael Trequrtha, William Fullerton, Colin Swann, Wilfred Adams

Photo courtesy Kenny Liggett.

Edenderry Primary School - 1950's Photo
Edenderry Primary School - 1950's Photo

I attach 1950''s school photo.

Courtesy Portadown Times

Edenderry Primary School Football Team 1950-51
Edenderry Primary School Football Team 1950-51

Photo courtesy of Rotary.

School Master's Residence
School Master's Residence

The residence lay behind Edenderry Primary School on the Carrickblacker Road. Prior to the demolition of the school it was approached by a fine avenue on the left. The house is well and substantially built.There is a fine garden,and the grounds are well laid out.Beautifully situated, it has been described as one of the finest teachers'residences in Ireland.

Photo courtesy Mr J. Edgar

Reference Educational Progress in Portadown.

Edenderry Primary School
Edenderry Primary School

About the year 1840, a teacher named Pierson, conducted a school in a three storied house in Bridge Street, occupied by a man named Fox and situated near the corner of Goban Street.

This school was later transferred across the street, to a room over the gateway, in a house occupied by Mr.J.A.Wilson and was approached by a stairway, from his yard. Frequently it’s location was changed to a building, forming part of a Mr.W, J. Gillen’s hayloft and finally found a resting place, in a building behind Edenderry First Presbyterian Church.

In August 1858, following upon the erection of the new church building, the school was transferred to the old church and at the same time it was recognized as a National School.

In the minutes of the congregational committee of the church dated 8th October 1858, it is recorded, that the committee met that evening, for the purpose of arranging the fitting up of the new school room and it was unanimously agreed, that the proceeds of the sale of the pew’s, etc, etc, be applied to the purposes of the school.

The school then occupied the ground, which is now covered by the pulpit, choir and transepts, while on the site of the Lecture Hall stood one or two little rooms, which had probably served for session room and cloak room. These were also used as class room‘s.

About 1877 the attendance had considerably increased and the accommodation, was so inadequate, that extension became necessary. A minute dated 15th June 1877, records, that the committee considered the estimates submitted for the proposed addition to the school building and accepted Mr Bright’s tender of £210. The miserable little rooms outside, were removed and a building equal in size to the old church, was erected on the site of the Lecture Hall and enclosed with the existing school room.

On 3rd May 1886, a sub-committee was appointed to wait on the Baroness Von Steiglitz of Carrickblacker and a site for a new building was obtained, near the top of Edenderry Hill. On the 8th November 1886 an architect was appointed and plans prepared and on the 21st May 1888 the contract for the erection of the school, was given to Messer’s Bright Bro’s, for the sum of £1,280.

On 10th September 1888 the same firm, also received the contract for building a teacher’s residence at £468. A grant of about £850 towards the erection of the school buildings was received from the Board of Public Works and the remainder was paid off chiefly with the proceeds of a Bazaar, which was got up, for that purpose.

The new school was an immense improvement upon the old. It’s location could scarcely be surpassed. The two story building was built upon a site of two rood’s and consisted of two large rooms 40 feet long, 29 feet wide and 13 feet 10 inches high, together with 4 class rooms each 18 feet long 14 feet wide and 13 feet 8 inches high and 3 cloak rooms on either side of the building. Two large play grounds, for use of the boy’s and girl’s respectively. The accommodation provided under the requirements of the Commissioners of National Education, of 10 square feet per pupil allowed an attendance of 336 pupil’s.

Head Master’s. Mr.Pierson. Mr.Cooper. Mr.Haire. Mr McAdam. Mr.Geddis. Mr. Josh Bell.B.A.1882. Mr. Edward Dale. B.A. Mr.Samuel Weatherup.B.A. Mr. Alfred Lynas 1918-1950. Mr. J.Evan Johnston. 1950-1971. Mr.R.A.Elliott 1971-1988.

Picture courtesy J. Edgar

Reference R. A. Elliot

Edenderry Primary School
Edenderry Primary School

Newspaper cutting of sixth standard class of 1953. The age group would be equivalent of first year in junior high nowadays.
Note Edenderry had not got a school uniform in those days & it became compulsory to wear one after Mr Evan Johnston, Head Master succeeded Mr Alfred Lynas in the early 50's.
All the other schools in the town favoured a black blazer. The school colours then were red & green.
The teacher in the photo was Mr Green.

Courtesy Portadown Times


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7pm Edenderry Orange Hall

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